\(Sum_{today} = Sum_{yesterday} + (price_{today} - price_{today - period})\)
Where \( price_{today - period} \) represents the price that is dropping off the slice you are summing. For example:
Take a list of numbers = 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120.
The formula for the 3-bar running sum would be:
bar 1: 20 bar 2: 20 + 40 = 60 bar 3: 20 + 40 + 60 = 120 bar 4: 40 + 60 + 80 = 180Or we can apply our formula from above as \( Sum_{today} = 120 + (80 - 20) \)
bar 5: 60 + 80 + 100 = 240Or use formula of \( Sum_{today} = 180 + (100 - 40) \)
bar 6: 80 + 100 + 120 = 300Or use formula of \( Sum_{today} = 240 + (120 - 60) \)
Coding in Python we get:
def running_sum(bar, series, period, pval=None): """ Returns the running sum of values in a list of tuple - avoids summing entire series on each call. Keyword arguments: bar -- current index or location of the value in the series series -- list or tuple of data to sum period -- number of values to include in sum pval -- previous sum (n - 1) of the series. """ if period < 1: raise ValueError("period must be 1 or greater") if bar <= 0: return series[0] if bar < period: return pval + series[bar] return pval + (series[bar] - series[bar - period])Example call and results:
list_of_values = [20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120] prevsum = list_of_values[0] #first sum is the first value in the series. for bar, price in enumerate(list_of_values): newsum = running_sum(bar, list_of_values, 3, pval=prevsum) print "bar %i: %i" % (bar, newsum) prevsum = newsum ---------------------------------------------------------- bar 0: 20 bar 1: 60 bar 2: 120 bar 3: 180 bar 4: 240 bar 5: 300
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