Sunday, January 16, 2011

Portfolio Performance for December 2010

Market did great in December (+6.53%); while the portfolio was stuck in neutral (-0.36%).

The majority of positions just didn't budge. As a result, most positions were held to term limit. Which dropped the monthly number of trades down a bit when compared to average.

# of Trades for Dec 2010:
# of Long Entries........7
# of Long Exits.......... 7

Goal for January is to start migrating the backtesting engine from the old database design to the hopefully new & improved version.

As a side note, I've added a new movie to my all-time favorites list: The Social Network. A must-see if you've ever hacked a few lines here or there.

Later Trades,



Ram Rachum said...

Way to go on being so transparent with your investments!

Mike Taylor said...

Appreciate it, Ram!