On to other things...
You'll notice I'm posting Russell 3000 stats each day. And posting a weekly roundup each Sunday. These should become a regular thing since the whole process is now automated. Hopefully, I'll get a monthly roundup setup as well to start posting the end of this September.
At this point, not a whole lot is being tracked on the daily stats. My main goal is to use the stats as a way to ensure my pricing database is correct. At the end of the daily stats post, you'll find the following line:
Price verification found 0 errors
This line represents that out of all the Russell 3000 end of day quotes posted...none of the following errors were found for a given period:
pricerec['high'] is not less than pricerec['low']
pricerec['low'] is not greater than pricerec['high']
pricerec['close'] is not greater than pricerec['high']
pricerec['open'] is not greater than pricerec['high']
pricerec['close'] is not less than pricerec['low']
pricerec['open'] is not less than pricerec['low']
pricerec['low'] is not equal to or less than 0.00
pricerec['high'] is not equal to or less than 0.00
pricerec['close'] is not equal to or less than 0.00
pricerec['open'] is not equal to or less than 0.00
The daily stats posting also lists the number of stocks that did not receive a price quote for the day via this field:
Total Inactive this period = 0
And new listings...which are not as important for the Russell 3000 since these should only change once a year.
Of course, you can see the number of new all-time highs and lows along with a link to google finance for the corresponding stocks.
Overall, these daily stats are just an easy way to keep up with the price database each day. A stock market dashboard, if you will. With the overall goal of incorporating a portfolio dashboard into these daily stats in order to answer the question...why is my portfolio delinking from the market? Ha.
Later trades,